NEWSPAPERS/MAGAZINES (الـصـحـف/الـمـجـلات)

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NEWSPAPERS/ MAGAZINES: :الـصـحـف/الـمـجـلات Dailies/weeklies with a total print run of about 400,000 per week. صـحـف يـومـيـة/أسـبـوعـيـات بـسـحـب يـنـاهـز 400.000 نـسـخـة أسـبـوعـيـاً. The largest-selling newspaper. الـجـريـدة الأكـثـر مـبـيـعـاً. Daily newspapers cannot possibly compete with the immediacy and authenticity of colour television news. The only way print can compete is to provide something television can’t. And that […]

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