ECONOMIC SECTORS (الـقـطـاعـات الاقـتـصـاديـة)

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ECONOMIC SECTORS: :الـقـطـاعـات الاقـتـصـاديـة The three main sectors of economy: 1) agriculture and the extraction of raw materials from the earth, 2) manufacturing industry in which raw materials are processed, 3) commercial services involved in the production and distribution of goods. قـطـاعـات الاقـتـصـاد الـثـلاثـة الـرئـيـسـة: 1) الـفـلاحـة و اسـتـخـراج الـمـواد الأولـيـة مـن الأرض 2) الـتـصـنـيـع […]

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