SMOKING PREVALENCE & ALCOHOL MISUSE (تـفـشـي الـتـدخـيـن و فـرط شـرب الـكـحـول)

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SMOKING PREVALENCE & ALCOHOL MISUSE: :تـفـشـي الـتـدخـيـن و فـرط شـرب الـكـحـول Smoking is an important risk factor for a wide range of diseases. الـتـدخـيـن عـامـل مـهـم مـن عـوامـل الـتـعـرض لـلـعـديـد مـن الأمـراض. Daily cigar smoking causes cancers of the larynks, esophagus and lung as well as chronic lung and coronary heart diseases and possibly pancreatic […]

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