HOUSING (الـسـكـن)

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HOUSING (الـسـكـن)   There’s no place like home. لـيـس ثـمـت مـكـان أجـمـل مـن الـبـيـت. The location, size, and construction of a house influence the comfort, health, and happiness of its occupants. يـؤثـر الـمـسـكـن مـن حـيـث مـوقـعـه و حـجـمـه و بـنـاؤه علـى راحـة سـاكـنـيـه و صـحـتـهـم و سـعـادتـهـم. The pressures of urbanisation. ضـغـوطـات الـتـمـدن. Urban growth/density. […]

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