SORCERY & SUPERSTITION (الـسـحـر والـشـعـوذة)

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SORCERY & SUPERSTITION: :الـسـحـر و الـشـعـوذة Satan is known as instigator of evil. يُـعـرَف الـشـيـطـان كـمـحـرّض علـى الـشـر. Islam presents the Devil as a personification of pride, disobedience, and revenge. He refused to first prostrate himself before Adam, and plays tricks to mislead people. يـصـور الإسـلام إبـلـيـس بـوصـفـه تـجـسـيـداً لـلاخـتـيـال و الـعـصـيـان و الـثـأر، فـقـد […]

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