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SORCERY & SUPERSTITION: SORCELLERIE & SUPERSTITION: Satan is known as instigator of evil. Satan est connu comme l’instigateur du mal. Islam presents the Devil as a personification of pride, disobedience, and revenge. He refused to first prostrate himself before Adam, and plays tricks to mislead people. L’Islam présente le Diable comme une personnification de fierté, […]

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THE FIVE PILLARS OF ISLAM: LES CINQ PILIERS DE L’ISLAM: 1. To recite the Testification of Faith ‘Shahadah’: To say there is no god but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger. 1. Réciter l’affirmation solennelle de la foi ‘Chahada’: Dire qu’il n’y a pas de divinité sauf Dieu, et que Mahomet est son envoyé. Having […]

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PRAYERS: PRIÈRES: To perform a religious service/ritual/rite. Remplir un service/rituel/ rite religieux. Worshipful performance. Performance révérencieuse. Prayer is the pillar of faith. La prière est le pilier de la religion. To pray five times a day. Prier cinq fois par jour. A nondenominational church service. Un office non confessionnel. A bell is used to summon […]

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PLACES OF WORSHIP: LIEUX DE CULTE: Religious institutions/ sites/monuments. Institutions religieuses – sites/monuments religieux. A multi-faith religious centre. Un centre religieux multiconfessionnel. A shrine of veneration. Un lieu de vénération. A seminary. Un séminaire. A Buddhist/oracular shrine. Un lieu de pèlerinage bouddhiste – un oracle. To spin around a prayer wheel. Faire tourner un moulin […]

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RELIGIOUS ATTIRE: TENUE RELIGIEUSE: The design of up-to-date ecclesiastical wear. La conception de la tenue ecclésiastique moderne. A baptismal/christening gown – a chasuble. Une robe baptismale – une chasuble. A papal tiara – a mitre/miter (US) – a crosier. Une tiare papale – une mitre – un crosse. A surplice – a cope – an […]

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THE RISE OF ISLAM: L’ESSOR DE L’ISLAM: In pre-Islamic times,… Pendant la période préislamique,… Muslim theologians/ thinkers. Théologiens/penseurs musulmans. Islamic extremists/militants. Extrémistes/militants islamiques. Muslim fundamentalists accused s.o. of making inflammatory statements about Islam, thereby aiming darts at their religion. His audacious pronouncement to the effect that the Qur’an should be revised is considered by Islamic […]

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DEITIES/PROPHETS… DÉITÉS/PROPHÈTES… Allah, God , The Lord, The Almighty. Allah, Dieu, le Seigneur, le Tout-Puissant. Heavenly Father. Père Céleste. The Most High God. Le Dieu Très-Haut. Divine attributes: the Creator, the All-knowing, the All-giver, the Merciful, the Preserver, the Destroyer, the Dominant, the Forgiving, the Eternal, the First, the Last, the Repairer, the Powerful, the […]

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REPENTANCE: REPENTIR: An unrepentant person. Une personne impénitente. To repent of one’s follies/ turpitudes. Se repentir de ses folies/ turpitudes. To do penance (= an act of self-mortification) for sth. Faire pénitence pour qqch. He sinned and this kept nagging his conscience for long. Il a péché et ceci a continu à harceler sa conscience […]

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AFTERLIFE: VIE FUTURE: Temporal and extra-terrestrial life. Vie temporelle et extraterrestre. Earthly life. Vie terrestre. Worldly life and the hereafter. La vie mondaine et l’au-delà. God’s Earth. Terre de Dieu. Signs of the Hour. Signes de l’Heure. End of the World/Doomsday. Fin du Monde/jour du Jugement dernier. The Day of Judgement. Le Jour du Jugement. […]

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FAITH: FOI: For fear of being persecuted, true believers secretly practise their religion. They conform to the prevailing customs outwardly under pain of death, but practise their faith in secret. Par crainte d’être persécutés, les vrais croyants pratiquent secrètement leur religion. Ils se conforment aux coutumes actuelles extérieurement sous peine de mort, mais pratiquent leur […]

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RELIGION (RELIGION)     Religion is a belief system. La religion est un système de croyances. To question one’s religious beliefs. Remettre en question ses croyances religieuses. To reformulate traditional spiritual questions in secular terms: What is our place in the universe? How do we perceive the world? Reformuler les questions spirituelles traditionnelles en termes […]

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