OPPRESSION (الـقـمـع)

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OPPRESSION: :الـقـمـع Under repressive and tyrannical regimes. تـحـت أنـظـمـة قــمـعـيـة و جـائـرة. To adopt the carrot-and-stick approach. يَـتـبـنـى مـقـاربـة الـتـرغـيـب و الـتـرهـيـب. To apply a hang-tough policy. يُـطـبّـق سـيـاسـة مـتـشـددة. The country’s top-ranking leader strengthened/ weakened (= loosened) his grip on power. شـدد/خـفـف قـائـد الـبـلاد الأعلـى مـن قـبـضـتـه علـى الـحـكـم. The president’s firm grip on […]

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