REBEL MOVEMENTS (حـركـات الـتـمـرد)

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REBEL MOVEMENTS: :حـركـات الـتـمـرد The rebels’lair. مـخـبـأ الـمـتـمـرديـن. Rebel-held areas. مـنـاطـق تـحـت سـيـطـرة الـمـتـمـرديـن. Ringleaders and instigators were taken into police custody. احـتُـجـزَ زعـمـاء الـفـتـنـة و الـمـحـرضـيـن لـدى الـشـرطـة. Security concerns/breach. انـشـغـالات أمـنـيـة – اخـتـراق أمـنـي. To heighten/tighten security. يُـعـزّز/يُـشـدّد الأمـن. Riot police clothed in body armour and crowd suppression gear/carrying batons and automatic weapons […]

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