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PRESIDENCY: PRESIDENCIA: A woman president. Una mujer presidenta. First lady. Primera Dama. A presidential palace. Un palacio presidencial. The White House. La Casa Blanca. To put s.o. through to the president. Introducir algn al presidente. To rise to/come into/take or capture/ attain power. Asumir/llegar/tomar o captar/ alcanzar el poder. To seize/leave office. Obtener el poder […]

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REBEL MOVEMENTS: MOVIMIENTOS REBELES: The rebels’lair. La guarida de los rebeldes. Rebel-held areas. Las zonas controladas por los rebeldes. Ringleaders and instigators were taken into police custody. Los cabecillas y los instigadores fueron puestos bajo custodia policial. Security concerns/breach. Inquietudes/violación de seguridad. To heighten/tighten security. Aumentar/reforzar la seguridad. Riot police clothed in body armour and […]

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OPPRESSION: OPRESIÓN: Under repressive and tyrannical regimes. Bajo regímenes represivos y tiránicos. To adopt the carrot-and-stick approach. Adoptar el enfoque del palo y la zanahoria. To apply a hang-tough policy. Aplicar una política más firme. The country’s top-ranking leader strengthened/ weakened (= loosened) his grip on power. El líder de alto rango del país fortaleció/debilitado […]

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ELECTIONS: ELECCIONES: The essence of democracy is to allow citizens to vote for parties and candidates of their own choice in free and fair elections. La esencia de la democracia es permitir que los ciudadanos voten por partidos y candidatos de su propia elección en elecciones libres y justas. An elective/electoral democracy. Una democracia electiva/ […]

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POLICYMAKERS: RESPONSABLES POLÍTICOS: Foreign-policy advisers. Asesores de política exterior. A middle-roader – to find a middle way. Un centrista – encontrar un término medio. A seek-the-middle strategy. Una estrategia de buscar un terreno intermedio. To seek a middle course. Buscar un curso medio. Austerity measures. Medidas de austeridad. Spending squeeze/cutbacks. Contracción del gasto. Public spendings […]

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PARLIAMENT: PARLAMENTO: A rubber stamp parliament. Un parlamento con mera función de refrendo. Council of Elders – Congress. Consejo de Ancianos – Congreso. A parliamentary unicameral/ bicameral/tricameral system. Un sistema parlamentario unicameral/bicameral/ tricameral. The Chamber of Representatives and Advisors held a meeting behind closed doors. La Cámara de Representantes y Asesores celebró una reunión a […]

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NATIONAL GOVERNMENT: GOBIERNO NACIONAL: The spread of democracy. La propagación/difusión de la democracia. A pseudo-democratic dictatorship. Una dictadura seudodemocrática. To overthrow a dictator. Derrocar un dictador. Autocracy. Autocracia. The rule of law. El estado de derecho. The democratization process. El proceso de democratización. Established/consolidated/ emerging democracies. Democracias establecidas/ consolidadas/ emergentes. A representative/ participatory democracy. Una […]

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OCCUPATION: OCUPACIÓN: Colonial forces. Fuerzas coloniales. Liberation movements. Movimientos emancipadores/de liberación. Freedom fighters. Combatientes/luchadores por la libertad. Hegemony. Hegemonía. To end occupation. Terminar/poner fin a la ocupación. To gain/achieve independence. Ganar/obtener/alcanzar/ lograr la independencia. A pocket of resistance. Un nido de resistencia. Resistance leaders. Líderes de la resistencia. Resisters. Resistentes. A common fate. Un destino […]

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CONFERENCES: CONFERENCIAS: The conferees. Los conferenciantes. The conference attendees. Los asistentes a la conferencia. A conference room – board room. Una sala de conferencias. At the fringes of the conference,… Paralelamente a la conferencia,… A convention centre. Un palacio de congresos. To address hot-button issues. Abordar los temas calientes. A highly sensitive issue. Una cuestión […]

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NEGOTIATIONS: NEGOCIACIONES: Long-stalled negotiations. Las negociaciones que están paralizadas desde hace mucho tiempo. Fast-tracked talks. Negociaciones por la vía rápida. Round-table talks. Conversaciones de mesa redonda. To refuel negotiations. Revalidar las negociaciones. To hold talks with… Dialogar/entablar conversaciones con… To get to the negotiating table. Llegar a la mesa de negociaciones. To hold closed-door discussions […]

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UNITED NATIONS: NACIONES UNIDAS: The United Nations is an international organisation which places emphasis on economic and social problems. It was created to maintain international peace /world peace and security. Its major organs are The General Assembly; three councils: the Security Council, the Trusteeship Council, and the Economic and Social Council; and the International Court […]

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THE WORLD OF POLITICS (EL MUNDO DE LA POLITICA)   World politics – geopolitics. Política mundial – geopolítica. Geopolitical position. Posición geopolítica. The political map. El mapa político. International politics/relations/affairs/law. Política internacional – relaciones/asuntos internacionales – derecho internacional. The international community /legitimacy/tribunal. La comunidad/la legitimidad/el tribunal internacional. International organisations headquartered in New York. Organizaciones internacionales […]

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COMPARATIVE IDIOMS (تـعـابـيـر الـمـقـارنـة)

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  as bald as a billiard ball/an egg. أصـلـع كـكـرة الـبـلـيـارد/الـبـيـضـة. as beautiful as a lark. أحـلـى مـن الـبـدر. as big as a whale. ضـخـم كـالـحـوت. as black as coal. أسـود مـثـل الـفـحـم. as blind as a bat. أعـمـى كـالـخـفـاش. as brave as a lion. شـجـاع كـالأسـد. as bright as a button/day. واضـح كـالـنـهـار. as […]

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GROUP NOUNS (الأسـمـاء الـجـمـاعـيـة)

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  An army of soldiers/frogs/ caterpillars. جـيـش مـن الـجـنـود/الـضـفـادع/الأسـاريـع. An array of eels/hedgehogs. حـشـد مـن سـمـك الأنـقـلـيـس/الـقـنـافـذ. A band of robbers/gorillas. شـرذمـة لـصـوص/مـن قـردة الـغـوريـلا. A bask/float of crocodiles. مـجـمـوعـة تـمـاسـيـح. A bed of clams. زمـرة مـن الـبـطـلـيـنـوس. A bevy of beauties. جـمـاعـة مـن الـحـسـنـاوات. A bloat/dale of hippopotamuses. قـطـيـع مـن أفـراس الـنـهـر. A board […]

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ADVANTAGE/ OPPORTUNITY/ROLE (امـتـيـاز/فـرصـة/دور)

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ADVANTAGE/ OPPORTUNITY/ROLE: :امـتـيـاز/فـرصـة/دور This has the added advantage of V+ING. يـتـمـتـع هـذا بـمـيـزة إضـافـيـة تـكـمـن فـي… To hold a decided advantage in… يـحـتـفـظ بـسـبـق بـيّـن فـي… To turn sth to one’s advantage. يـحـوّل شـيـئـاً لـصـالـحـه. To use sth to good advantage. يـسـتـعـمـل شـيـئـاً بـنـجـاعـة. To take full advantage of… يـسـتـفـيـد أيَّـمـا اسـتـفـادة مـن… To derive […]

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OCCURRENCE (الـواقـعـة)

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OCCURRENCE: :الـواقـعـة Natural/unusual occurrences. حـوادث طـبـيـعـيـة/غـيـر مـألـوفـة. This has become a common occurrence. أصـبـح هـذا مـعـتـاد الـحـدوث. A curious coincidence/ circumstance. مـصـادفـة/حـادثـة غـريـبـة. This is a very common sight. هـذا مـشـهـد جـد مـألـوف. I’m used to it. إنـنـي مـتـعـود علـى ذلـك. It is what it is. هـذا هـو الـحـال.

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ATTITUDES (الـمـواقـف)

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ATTITUDES: :الـمـواقـف To take a definite/firm stand on… يـتـخـذ مـوقـفـاً نـهـائـيـاً/صـارمـاً بـخـصـوص… To side strongly with a party. يـنـحـاز بـقـوة إلـى طـرف. To take sides on certain issues. يـنـحـاز إلـى بـعـض الـقـضـايـا. To alter one’s stance/ change or rethink one’s position. يـغـيّـر مـوقـفـه. To take a neutral/detached stand. يـتـخـذ مـوقـفـاً مـحـايـداً/غـيـر مـتـحـيّـز. A don’t-give-a-damn/do-it-alone attitude. […]

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GAP-FILLING (تـجـسـيـر الـفـجـوات)

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GAP-FILLING: :تـجـسـيـر الـفـجـوات To narrow an enormous/ broad gap. يـضـيّـق فـجـوة هـائـلـة/واسـعـة. To close a huge gap. يـردم فـجـوة هـائـلـة. The gap/fissure/split/ breach/rift between…could be bridged/healed/ remedied. بـالإمـكـان تـجـسـيـر الـفـجـوة/ردم الـهـوة/رأب الـصـدع بـيـن… There is an unbridgeable gap between them. بـيـنـهـمـا فـجـوة يـتـعـذر تـجـسـيـرهـا. To bridge a deep chasm. يـرأب صـدعـاً عـمـيـقـاً. To fill a […]

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EXPRESSING FEAR (الـتـعـبـيـر عـن الـخـوف)

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EXPRESSING FEAR: :الـتـعـبـيـر عـن الـخـوف The fear factor. عـامـل الـخـوف. …out of fear that/of… خـوفـاً مـن… Lest… – for fear that… خـشـيـة… – مـخـافـة… Their fears were confirmed. تـأكـدت مـخـاوفـهـم. These fears proved to be unfounded. مـخـاوفـهـم لا أسـاس لـهـا مـن الـصـحـة. There’s no cause/reason for panic. لاداعـي لـلـهـلـع. There’s no cause for worry. لا […]

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ASKING & GIVING DIRECTIONS (السـؤال عـن الـوجـهـة والإرشـاد إليهـا)

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ASKING & GIVING DIRECTIONS: :الـسـؤال عـن الـوجـهـة والإرشـاد إلـيـهـا How can I get to…? كـيـف يـمـكـنـنـي بـلـوغ…؟ Is there a…round about there? هـل هـنـاك…فـي هـذه الـنـاحـيـة ؟ I know one at the street corner. أعـرفُ واحـداً عـنـد نـاصـيـة الـشـارع. Go straight on. أمـضـي قـدمـاً علـى خـط مـسـتـقـيـم. Carry on…until the end of the street. واصـلْ…حـتـى […]

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INTRODUCING PEOPLE (تـقـديـم الأشـخـاص)

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INTRODUCING PEOPLE: :تـقـديـم الأشـخـاص To identify oneself. يـعـرّف بـنـفـسـه. I haven’t yet had the pleasure. لـم يـحـصـل لـي الـشـرف. How do you do? تـشـرفـنـا. I don’t know anyone by that name. لاأعـرف أحـداً بـهـذا الاسـم. Pleased/nice to meet you. سـعـيـد بـمـعـرفـتـك – حـصـل لـي الـشـرف. To whom do I have the honour of speaking? مـع […]

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GREETINGS (الـتـحـيـة)

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GREETINGS: :الـتـحـيـة Hi! – Hello! أهـلاً ! How are you doing? – How is life? كـيـف الـحـال ؟ – كـيـف حـالـك ؟ I’m fine, and how is yourself? – So-so. أنـا بـخـيـر، و أنـت ؟ – بـيـن بـيـن. How was your day? كـيـف كـان يـومـك؟ Till we meet again – So long – See you […]

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MAKING ANNOUNCEMENTS: :الـتـصـريـحـات I have a piece of news for you. لـديَّ لـك خـبـر. You will be pleased to hear… سـتـسـعـد لـسـمـاع… I am glad to say that… يـسـرنـي قـول… He was pleased to announce that… هـو مـسـرور لإعـلان… …, I regret to say,… …، وأنـا آسـف علـى قـول ذلـك،… I’m (not) afraid to say […]

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ASKING/GIVING PERMISSION (طـلـب/مـنـح الـتـرخـيـص)

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ASKING/GIVING PERMISSION: :طـلـب/مـنـح الـتـرخـيـص A stamp/seal of approval. عـلامـة الـمـوافـقـة. To give s.o. the okay. يـأذن لـفـلان. To green-light sth. يـعـطـي الـضـوء الأخـضـر لـ… To authorize sb to do sth. يـسـمـح لـشـخـص بـ… – يـبـيـح لـشـخـص كـذا. To allow/permit the use of sth. يـجـيـز اسـتـعـمـال كـذا. To deny s.o. permission to + V. لـم يـرخـص […]

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