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UFOLOGY: UFOLOGÍA: UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects). OVNIS (Objeto Volador No Identificado). Unindentified anomalous phenomena (UAP). Fenómenos anómalos no identificados. Extraterrestrial spaceships may have visited our planet. Sightings of flying spacecrafts were confirmed in many places of the world. What is more, they have been photographed. Naves espaciales extraterrestres pueden haber visitado nuestro planeta. Se confirmaron […]

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SPACE EXPLORATION: EXPLORACIÓN DEL ESPACIO: The development of an earthly technology for the betterment of man and the preservation of the terrestrial environment is a must. El desarrollo de una tecnología terrenal para la mejora del hombre y la preservación del medio ambiente terrestre es obligado. To develop space technology, albeit costly, would enable us […]

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THE COSMOS (EL COSMOS)   Cosmologists. Cosmólogos. Cosmological research. Investigación cosmológica. Cosmology: how the solar system was created? Cosmología: ¿cómo se creó el sistema solar? Cosmogony – quantum cosmology. Cosmogonía – cosmología cuántica. A cosmic mineralogist. Un mineralogista cósmico. Extragalactic astrophysicists. Astrofísicos extragalácticos. Astronomy is the study of the physics and components of the observable […]

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STARS/PLANETS/ COMETS… ESTRELLAS/PLANETAS/ COMETAS… Quasars – pulsars – meteors. Quásares – pulsares – meteoros. Bolides. Bólidos. Shooting/falling stars. Estrellas fugaces/caídas. Polar/North(ern) star. Estrella Polar/del Norte. The morning star. La estrella matutina. Asteroids are large chunks of space rock. Los asteroides son trozos grandes de roca del espacio. Mountain-size fragments of a comet. Fragmentos de un […]

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